Man and woman smiling at laptop

What is a Hotel Metasearch Engine?

Hotel metasearch engines are like travel search engines for hotels. They gather prices and availability from different sources—like your hotel’s website and OTAs—and display them side

Why RoomRaccoon acquired Lobbi PMS

Today, I am proud to announce the addition of Lobbi PMS to RoomRaccoon. This new partnership brings over 300 outstanding properties from the Benelux region into

Recap 2023: RoomRaccoon Product Milestones

The hospitality industry is constantly changing, and we’re right there with you, innovating to keep up with today’s guests’ ever-evolving expectations. The product team at RoomRaccoon

How to Get Eco-Certified on Google Hotel Ads

Your hotel is your brand and in a study done by the Havas group on meaningful brands, consumers are desperately seeking brands that will make a meaningful difference – with 73% of consumers saying brands must act now for the good of society and the environment.Â